January 22, 2023

Taking my Talents to Pixellot

We’ve got amazing employees!  These are some of their stories.


Just a kid from Akron, Ohio.

Hahahaha. Not true. But that’s an irresistible lead before I delve into my story, my love of sports, and my journey to Pixellot.

The Journey

Hi. My name is Henry Weinberg. Sports and travel are two of my favorite hobbies. Born in Chicago and raised along the Indiana Dunes Lakeshore (true origin story), coming to work for Pixellot in Israel is an exciting crossover of those hobbies.

When LeBron James says “I’m just a kid from Akron, Ohio,” the motif is that anybody from anywhere can accomplish anything. While LeBron is a corny dude, his story and greatness are pretty inspiring.

I’m a curious and deep-thinking mind. The world offers so much to explore, if I’m not exploring something new everyday, then I could be doing better. A la Pixellot, sometimes that’s as simple as learning about innovation. Sometimes it’s a big adventure. My Taglit, as well as time volunteering in Brazil and traveling the Caribbean, all marked fun enrichment that I’m thankful for. Developing a constant appreciation and never taking anything for granted is the best mentality you can nurture.



The Current Destination

I first discovered Pixellot when I learned about Pixellot’s VidSwap technology. I immediately theorized how it could be utilized by NBA organizations. My most ambitious goal in life is to help an NBA team win a championship. Despite graduating from college in 2022, I’ve already spent years as a sportswriter. Analyzing the world’s best basketball is how I transfer my love of sports into action.

On Day 1 in Tel Aviv, I realized how impactful Pixellot could have been throughout my sports tenures. For example, here’s me at the 2018 Spikeball National Championship:



I only played professional Spikeball for one season prior to being relegated into the tier below, but throughout my years of competing, Pixellot’s cameras would’ve been so clutch. FIlming all practice/games on a phone tripod was underwhelming and inconvenient. Reflecting on those years, I wish I had better videos and clips to share with people. Not to mention, Pixellot’s technology would have helped Spikeball grow as a sport throughout the past decade — as a lover of the game, I wish it had.

I’m a life-long multi-sport athlete, but I’m not your traditional fan. I don’t have a team. My hometown organizations don’t have my loyalty. I don’t cheer. There’s no bias. This is business for me. When I’m watching sports, my mind fixates on understanding why successes and failures happen. Coincidentally, Pixellot makes that fixation easier, and better, for athletes and sports personnel at all levels.

At Pixellot, I bring that aforementioned mentality to the office. However, now I have a team. Pixellot is my team — my brand and my mission. Creating content to showcase the versatile products and services that Pixellot offers is energizing. Doing my part to build Pixellot’s exposure is an honor. The future is bright.


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