June 23, 2022

Title IX: Dr. Stephanie Ramsey Story

As we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, we can reflect on how far we’ve come but there is still more work to be done to achieve the ideals Title IX set forth. Even today we know athletic opportunities at most schools aren’t equitable – that’s why the hard work of leaders who implement & create programs aimed at true equality is so important. These are their stories.

“I felt like I needed to get in a position where I was going to affect change in a larger level” 

Dr. Stephanie Ramsey, Director of Student Activities at Kellam High School, a public high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia is at the heart of the revolution.  Dr. Ramsey started as a health and PE teacher which she did for 18 years. Dr. Ramsey used her experiences to guide her. She strives to avoid the stigma and give her kids the best of what they deserve.

Dr. Ramsey started a student broadcasting program to give students the opportunity to dive into a potential career path. The students would do interviews and sideline videos of athletic events. Dr. Ramsey uses outside influences to look toward to set her goals and learn from everything.

“I worked really hard over the last ten years trying to make sure that we have an equal playing field for all of our students.”

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