June 23, 2022

Title IX: Amy Pratt Story

As we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, we can reflect on how far we’ve come but there is still more work to be done to achieve the ideals Title IX set forth. Even today we know athletic opportunities at most schools aren’t equitable – that’s why the hard work of leaders who implement & create programs aimed at true equality is so important. These are their stories.

“It’s taken a long time for us to get there…”

Amy Pratt, Director of Student Activities at Kellam High School, a public high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia is at the heart of the revolution. Ms. Pratt has been at Kellam for the past 13 years and has served as a teacher, athletic trainer, tennis coach, and assistant student activities coordinator.

Pixellot’s automated systems not only make it possible to capture and stream live games affordably. They also add high-level analytics that can be used by coaches and players to improve their performance.

“The availability and the affordability of Pixellot’s VidSwap has really opened up my girls teams… they all have film now and they’re starting to do more film studies and working with teams and breaking down films.“

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