September 14, 2021

Want your team to win a trophy? 5 reasons why soccer Video Analytics is the key!

Soccer (or as it is known around the world, football) is relying more and more on technology to improve. This is the case not only for top clubs like Barcelona, but also when it comes to semi-professional teams and grassroots academies.

#1 Following the leaders

One of the prime tools in use for team and player development and improvement is video. Technology is making it easier than ever for footballers at every level to access the training techniques used by elite clubs. Meaning everyone can reap the rewards by using tools like sports video analysis software.

One of the leading football clubs in the world, FC Barcelona has been using Pixellot technology for years. If you want your team to play like Barcelona, you need them to train like Barcelona! If you think that’s impossible, think again.

#2 Giving coaches what they need

In modern football, sports video analysis software is one of the most effective training tools in use. Today all over the world, video has become the main tool for coaches and teams to look at how they played and how the competition played. Using video, coaches have an extremely effective means to share their insights and add to it relevant statistics and annotations. This is taking coaching sessions to a whole new level.

But football (or soccer) video analysis is much more than simply reviewing last weekend’s match. The right tools enable coaches see shots taken, positions, defensive and offensive patterns, and success rates, so the coaching staff can dive into the details and derive new insights. Technical coaching video analysis is crucial for figuring out what teams and players need to do to reach the next level. But for that, you need to record the games…

Football Video Analysis Software

#3 Improving player performance

In many cases, players have no idea what they’re doing wrong. If a coach tells a player that their shooting technique is not quite right, the only way to really illustrate this for a player is by letting him see it. This is where recorded video footage is so crucial in helping players to visually and easily understand what they’re doing wrong and what they need to do to improve.

To back this up, studies show that players improve much more quickly when they can compare footage of themselves moving and fielding tasks compared to the techniques used by professional players. This is a very powerful means of honing one’s skills and learning from the best how it’s done better.

#4 Increasing motivation

An important and sometimes overlooked benefit of football video analysis is the motivational factor. It’s natural that when you know you are on film, you will try to look and act your best which is surely something that can affect a player’s performance.

For that reason, the fact that the team and players know that they are being filmed gives them added impetus and energy to play their best. And seeing as most people love watching themselves on TV, you have another force that’s adding motivation to ‘get out there and do your best’.

#5 Making it easy

A few years ago, you’d have been laughed at for suggesting that a lower-league club invest in procuring tools for sports video analysis. It used to be hard work and expensive. But today that has changed.   

In the past, you had to pay for expensive equipment, a production team, setting up soccer video cameras, downloading footage, and spending a lot of time editing various clips from the hours of video.

There were technical issues such as needed bandwidth to upload, and various other recording and playback equipment issues.  With all the technical difficulties and intensive time-consuming labor involved, it’s not surprising that nonprofessional teams didn’t even consider soccer video analytics as a possibility.

Football Video Analysis Software - Pixellot Air camera
Capture, stream, and analyze every match

Introducing: Pixellot AIR

Today, something new is in the air. Most specifically Pixellot Air, an affordable, portable capture and analysis system that can help teams and players significantly improve their performance.

The state-of-the-art camera technology uses AI to record the action, then Vidswap Analytics, Pixellot’s integrated analytics software for football (soccer) and other sports, delivers breakdowns and in-depth statistics for the coaching staff. The solution accelerates learning and brings more excitement to training sessions. It is so sophisticated yet simple to use that even top clubs like FC Barcelona rely upon it.

If you’re interested in what is happening in the world of sports & technology, check out our other blog posts here.

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